Dear managers from Total, Esbjerg

It was a pleasure meeting you on Tuesday, March 19th. I’m quite passionate about the topic, so thank you for your engagement.

Download the presentation

If you want the presentation I used, you can download the “A culture of recognition” presentation here.

Weekly productivity tools – MÅLRETTET MANDAG

For danish readers, I publish a new, simple tool on productivity every single Monday, via email. You have to sign up for it by entering your email here.

Listen to the podcasts

The danish podcast RevolutJon! started in the fall of 2018. Go here or search for it in your podcast app.

The english podcast HappyWays launched late January 2016 and there is now more than 30 episodes out. I do encourage you to get episode 07 “Why I hate email”, people tell me they love it. Go here for a full list of episodes and subscribe options. You can also use these buttons to subscribe directly on your smartphone, via iTunes (for Apple devices) or Stitcher (on Android):

podcast om ledelse, arbejdsglæde og personlig udvikling

podcast om personlig udvikling, ledelse og arbejsglæde


Video on happiness at work

My own TEDx talk from London is on YouTube:


Now, go make your workday a great one

Have a fantastic day!

/Jon Kjær Nielsen :o)

Speaker, Author, M.Sc.